Ok, this webby stuff is totally not the form of nerd I speak. See the theme I have on this blog? Ahisma. I LOVE it — BUT. Well, not the colors, but I can change colors. What I hate is that bar on the left. I HATE BARS ON THE LEFT WITH A GREAT PASSION. Yet, I love this theme so much otherwise, I thought I’d ping my peeps and see if you could advise me on:
a) Can it (the sidebar) basically be mirrored over to the right?
b) How much work would this involve for, say, you?
c) Can you do it?
d) How long would it take / what kind of bribe would I need to offer you?
e) The author claims it’s kinda weak under the hood. Do you know of something with a similar feel that’s better built under the kimono?
The ideal solution will come in the form of you telling me “go to this file and where it says:
replace it with
BLAH BAR.FOO.dance-magic-dance MOSH
Also okay would be “install this other theme (link)”.
Thanks! <3